Your Directory Has Been Breached – landing page
This is a landing page for a project Bob Bobel and I have been working on recently. Today (May 30th, 2012), I am presenting the first draft of the slides which will be posted shortly. A white paper is due out shortly. All information will be posted on this page, so it will be revised in the coming weeks.
(2012-05-30 - 13:00 ET)
First up, here is Bob's initial post on the topic:
(2012-05-30 - 16:15 ET)
Here is the slide deck just presented at the Department of Energy NLIT Conference (National Laboratories IT Summit):
(2012-06-05 - 18:00 ET)
Here is the first (rough) draft of the document to correspond with the slides. Yes, whole sections are missing, and will be filled in during the coming weeks. Stayed tuned.