federalcto.com The Blog of a Federal CTO


Your Directory Has Been Breached – landing page

This is a landing page for a project Bob Bobel and I have been working on recently. Today (May 30th, 2012), I am presenting the first draft of the slides which will be posted shortly. A white paper is due out shortly. All information will be posted on this page, so it will be revised in the coming weeks.

(2012-05-30 - 13:00 ET)
First up, here is Bob's initial post on the topic:

(2012-05-30 - 16:15 ET)
Here is the slide deck just presented at the Department of Energy NLIT Conference (National Laboratories IT Summit):

(2012-06-05 - 18:00 ET)
Here is the first (rough) draft of the document to correspond with the slides. Yes, whole sections are missing, and will be filled in during the coming weeks. Stayed tuned.


Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Dmitry Kagansky – All opinions expressed are those of the respective author and do not reflect the views of any affiliate, partner, employer or associate.